Land Surveying Services With Accuracy That You Can Trust.


JJ Ruiz Land Surveying has been serving clients throughout the area since 2008, with unmatched attention to detail and prompt, friendly customer service. Lead surveyor Javier Ruiz and his team are dedicated to getting you the most accurate results possible, no matter what your land surveying needs might be. Armed with the latest in GPS technology and a robotic 3D scanner, we can get you to the next phase of your project quickly, with accuracy that you can trust. Please browse for more information about our surveying services. When you are ready to tell us about your project, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 956-568-4470.

Areas Of Surveying


Q: When is a survey necessary?

A: Land surveying is necessary for any number of scenarios. For example:

In order to establish property lines and acreage before the land is conveyed. The amount of land available is diminishing by the day, and it’s impossible to make more. This is why accurate measuring is so crucial, as a minor surveying error could swing the price of a land parcel by thousands of dollars.

Before a plot of land is subdivided for residential or commercial use.

Before doing any home additions, building any structures on your property, or making other home improvements, to avoid encroaching on someone else’s property and avoid any legal squabbles.

If a parcel of land is left in a will, a survey can be done to ensure that the property is properly divided to fulfill the wishes of the deceased.

Whenever you are advised to get a survey from your attorney, architect, engineer, land surveyor, title company, or real estate agent.

If you are using a money lending agency to purchase land, most will require that you get a mortgage loan survey before the deal can be fully processed.

Q: What type of Survey do I need?

A: The most common types of surveys you will need are Boundary Surveys, Subdivision Plats, and Topography Surveys, though there are several others. If you are unsure, speak with your surveyor and tell him the purpose of the survey. JJ Ruiz Land Surveying can easily recommend the type of survey you need for your project.

Q: What is a Boundary Survey?

A: A boundary survey, quite simply, helps to determine the property lines called for in a document of title, and/or determine the amount of acreage and type of property information which needs to be included in the document of title. Corners of the property are verified or reset with some sort of permanent marker.

Q: What is a Subdivision Plat?

A: A Subdivision Plat is a type of survey in which a larger tract of land is properly divided into smaller tracts while complying with all planning commission, zoning board, and other regulations.

Q: What is a Topographic Survey?

A: This type of survey pinpoints the location of all features on a plot of land, whether natural or man-made and also provides accurate elevation readings.

Q: How do I select a surveyor?

A: You need to make sure the surveyor is licensed, first and foremost. This will prove that the company is qualified and that the surveyor is in compliance with all standards and regulations established by the law. JJ Ruiz Land Surveying is licensed in the state of Texas.

Q: What does the surveyor need from me?

A: You should provide the surveyor with all documentation - deeds, plats, title work, etc. and any other information that the landowner has about the land. The surveyor may also need the documentation from adjoining plots of land, and you should transmit all information by letter, which gives JJ Ruiz Land Surveying authorization to complete the survey.

Q: How much will my survey cost?

A: There are several factors that will affect the cost of your survey, mainly concerning time. Obtaining title evidence, establishing original boundaries, conducting the field survey, making computations, preparing drawings, marking lines, setting corners...all of these take time, making it difficult to pinpoint a cost. There are also unforeseen factors like any sort of dispute, poor documentation, travel time, etc. that can add extra costs. There is no foolproof way of determining how much a survey project will cost, JJ Ruiz Land Surveying, based on his experience, should be able to provide you with a fairly accurate estimate.
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